Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.8.2 Mod APK + DATA

Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.8.2 Mod APK + DATA for Android.
Play now the first ACTION RPG game of the acclaimed ASSASSIN’S CREED Franchise.
Explore the ITALIAN RENAISSANCE through the eyes of your OWN ASSASSIN, complete dozens of missions and unravel the epic mystery of The Crows.
• “the graphics look spectacular”
• “a proper bonafide Assassin’s Creed game” pocketgamer
• “gorgeous graphics”
– Pick a CLASS: Choose between Berserker, Shadow Blade, Trickster and Thief
– CUSTOMIZE your Assassins: Use loot, choose your outfits and weapons like epic swords and the iconic hidden blade.
– Make your Assassin EVOLVE from NOVICE to MASTER!
– Experience the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT: Run, jump, climb and feel the thrill of the leap of faith on your mobile screen!
– Achieve an infinity of QUESTS, unlock new locations and hundreds of items.
– PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO with simple tap-to-move, dual virtual stick controls or with a gamepad.
– The Unity game engine brings STUNNING GRAPHICS through amazing custom-made HD textures, shaders, and models to your screen.
– Every place you visit in the ITALIAN RENAISSANCE will be an open map for you to explore: Santa Croce Area in Firenze, the Colosseum area in Roma etc.
**ASSASSIN’S CREED** is one of the most popular franchise of all time. Its success has been built through years with famous titles such as Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag etc.
What’s New
Dear Assassins!
To celebrate the release of the Assassin’s Creed movie we are not only bringing you new gear and chests. Additionally, enjoy our 4 weeks long special event for a chance to win the famous Benedicto and Aguilar outfits!
Collect the new gear from the Spanish Inquisition featuring more than 100 new weapons and armour!
New Relic chests will give you a chance to win colour variations of the Spanish Novice, Benedicto and Aguilar outfits.
Your Assassin’s Creed Identity Team
Mod info:
– Instant Kill
– No Skill Cooldown
– Stupid AI (enemy don’t see and hear you)
– License Patched (make sure that you are signed in to Google account)
– No any unlocked paid content & unlimited money, its server-side
Download [Google Play]
You can also download data via in-game. Data size: ~1.4 GB
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Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.7.0 Patched APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3
Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.6.0 Original APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3
Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.6.0 Patched APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3
Assassin’s Creed Identity v2.5.4 Cracked APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
It is not modded version please make a modded version
Where data download
Great game i have ever seen it, Thanks for sharing this game.
thanks for the quick update….
but what exactly does “cracked” means..? the original full game we buy from play store.? or all the extra mission types are already bought here.?
can you please update this.? and or add a mod version of this game.? most other sites are just clickbaits and hoax
Is this the full game with all missions unlocked or just the paid app with missions you still have to buy?
can i play offline on this game [if im able to play which version ishould download]
How can i update the application?
Can I play it on moto g3 please reply fasr
Can we play assassin creed identity with oldest apk
Plz Add Forli Addidional Map DLC Update !!! PLz PLz PLZ reply ASAP , Thx For u r Awesomeness
What are the modifications are done in this game ??
My game stops at games logo and show connecting and stays there so how i run the game i have downloaded the obb data from above link please help me
The game just stop at 50% loading please help me there is a way to do it with market helper and gl tools my phone is rooted too but i’m scared if that didn’t work i have to flash my tab it’s lenovo
Better check your internet connection, or just close the game completely then open it again. Because the game runs fine here.
Mine also stuck at 50% . any tips to solve the problem ?
When the mod of this game be available? ????
Hey the new version 2.5.4 patched apk isn’t installing pls help 😢😢
working fine here
the first obb link redirect to you website not download site
Thanks very much, it’s fixed