YouTube ReVanced APK [New Youtube Mod]
ReVanced Team
Dec 22, 2024
Varies with device
8.0+ | 6.0+ for MicroG
Mod info
➠ Applied patches:
microg-support, minimized-playback, general-ads, video-ads, seekbar-tapping, premium-heading, old-quality-layout, disable-create-button, disable-fullscreen-panels, custom-branding, swipe-controls, hide-cast-button, hide-create-button, hide-shorts-button, hide-infocard-suggestions, hide-watermark, hdr-auto-brightness, enable-debugging, enable-wide-searchbar, sponsorblock, remember-video-quality, custom-playback-speed, custom-video-buffer, settings, tablet-mini-player, downloads, client-spoof, theme, hide-time-and-seekbar, disable-auto-captions, disable-auto-player-popup-panels, disable-startup-shorts-player, hide-email-address, hide-video-buttons, hide-captions-button, hide-crowdfunding-box, hide-artist-card, comments, hide-album-cards, hide-my-mix, hide-watch-in-vr, hide-endscreen-cards, open-links-directly, disable-zoom-haptics, remove-player-button-background
➠ V2 Original Icon without the following patches:
custom-branding, hide-autoplay-button, hide-cast-button, hide-infocard-suggestions, hide-shorts-button, hide-watermark, hdr-auto-brightness, return-youtube-dislike, enable-debugging, enable-wide-searchbar, always-autorepeat
➡ Package name:
➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages
➡ CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
➡ Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi
➠ Non-Root variant, MicroG is required
Mod info [Extended]
hide-general-ads, hide-info-cards, hide-mix-playlists, hide-pip-notification, hide-player-captions-button, hide-player-overlay-filter, hide-shorts-button, hide-shorts-component, hide-startup-shorts-player, hide-stories, hide-suggested-actions, hide-time-and-seekbar, hide-video-ads, layout-switch, materialyou, microg-support, optimize-resource, overlay-buttons, patch-options, remove-player-button-background, return-youtube-dislike, settings, sponsorblock, swipe-controls, theme, translations, client-spoof, custom-branding-icon-afn-blue, custom-branding-icon-afn-red, custom-branding-name, custom-video-buffer, custom-video-speed, default-video-quality, default-video-speed, disable-haptic-feedback, enable-external-browser, enable-hdr-auto-brightness, enable-minimized-playback, enable-old-layout, enable-oldstyle-quality-layout, enable-old-seekbar-color, enable-open-links-directly, enable-seekbar-tapping, enable-tablet-miniplayer, enable-wide-searchbar, force-premium-heading, header-switch, hide-auto-captions, hide-auto-player-popup-panels, hide-autoplay-button, hide-button-container, hide-cast-button, hide-channel-watermark, hide-comment-component, hide-create-button, hide-crowdfunding-box, hide-email-address, hide-endscreen-cards, hide-endscreen-overlay, hide-filmstrip-overlay, hide-flyout-panel, hide-fullscreen-buttoncontainer, custom-seekbar-color
➠ V2 Original Icon without the following patches:
custom-branding-icon-afn-blue, custom-branding-icon-afn-red, custom-branding-icon-revancify, custom-branding-name
Youtube ReVanced is an unofficial sequel to Youtube Vanced and is not related to Vanced, which aims to provide new features as well as those already seen in Vanced.
YouTube ReVanced is a Project Based on YouTube Vanced. Currently It’s in initial Stage & Have Basic Youtube Vanced Features. As YouTube Vanced Project is Closed. Youtube ReVanced is supposed to Continue its Legacy Unofficially.
★ Latest Features(Applied By Patch)-
• No root needed to install
• No need to uninstall official YouTube, can install as a secondary YouTube
• General Ads & Video Ads Disabled
• Background Play/Minimized PlayBack
• Amoled Theme Enabled
• Tap on Seekbar Enabled
• Disabled Create Button
• MicroG Support For Login
• hidden cast button
• Premium-header
• Old Video quality layout Enabled,
• Fullscreen Panels Disabled
• Shorts Disabled
➠ Compiled apk with the latest:
➤ ReVanced ReX Patches v2.220.10
Note: From this version, you have to use GMSCore
– Features
● feat(MicroG Support): Change default microG package name to app.revanced
● feat(Spoof Player Parameter): Disabled by default
● feat(Hide Shorts Component):: Add Hide Shorts video title, Hide sound metadata label and Hide video link label settings
– Bug Fixes
● fix(Hide interstitial ads): Prevent app crash if hiding interstitial ads is not possible
➤ ReVanced ReX Integrations v0.148.4
– Bug Fixes
● MicroG Support: Remove check (cbe49e5)
➤ ReVanced Extended Cli v4.4.1
● build: update dependencies
● ci: remove build env that are no longer used
● feat: rollback the default values of keystore alias and password to CLI v3.0 (compatible with old keystore)
● rollback: move ReVanced Library subproject to another repository
※ support –unsigned and –rip-lib commands #j-hc/revanced-cli
➠ It’s based on the latest ReVanced ReX features, bug fixes and optimizations for YouTube app.
➠ Applied patches:
Hide general ads, Hide handle, Hide info cards, Hide latest videos button, Hide layout components, Hide load more button, Hide mix playlists, Hide music button, Hide navigation buttons, Hide navigation label, Hide player flyout panel, Hide previous next button, Hide search term thumbnail, Hide seek message, Hide seekbar, Hide shorts components, Hide snack bar, Hide suggested actions, Hide suggested video overlay, Hide suggestions shelf, Hide time stamp, Hide toolbar button, Hide tooltip content, Hide trending searches, Hide video ads, Keep landscape mode, Layout switch, MaterialYou, MicroG support, Overlay buttons, Quick actions components, Remove viewer discretion dialog, Return YouTube Dislike, Sanitize sharing links, SponsorBlock, Spoof app version, Spoof device dimensions, Spoof player parameters, Swipe controls, Theme, Translations, Settings, Add splash animation, Alternative thumbnails, Ambient mode switch, Append time stamps information, Change start page, Custom branding heading, Custom branding icon YouTube, Custom branding name YouTube, Custom double tap length, Custom package name, Custom playback speed, Custom player overlay opacity, Custom seekbar color, Default playback speed, Default video quality, Disable HDR video, Disable QUIC protocol, Disable auto captions, Disable haptic feedback, Disable landscape mode, Disable pip notification, Disable rolling number animations, Disable shorts on startup, Disable speed overlay, Disable update screen, Enable bottom player gestures, Enable compact controls overlay, Enable debug logging, Enable external browser, Enable gradient loading screen, Enable language switch, Enable minimized playback, Enable new splash animation, Enable new thumbnail preview, Enable old quality layout, Enable open links directly, Enable seekbar tapping, Enable song search, Enable tablet mini player, Enable tablet navigation bar, Enable wide search bar, Force fullscreen, Force opus codec, Force video codec, Hide account menu, Hide animated button background, Hide auto player popup panels, Hide autoplay button, Hide autoplay preview, Hide button container, Hide captions button, Hide cast button, Hide category bar, Hide channel avatar section, Hide channel profile components, Hide channel watermark, Hide collapse button, Hide comment component, Hide crowdfunding box, Hide description components, Hide double tap overlay filter, Hide double tap to like animations, Hide end screen cards, Hide end screen overlay, Hide filmstrip overlay, Hide floating microphone, Hide fullscreen panels
➠ V2 Original Icon without the following patches:
➡ Package name:
➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages
➡ CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
➡ Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi
➠ Non-Root variant, MicroG Services (GMSCore) from links below is required
➠ How to Install:
• Install MicroG Services (GMSCore)
• Then install YouTube ReVanced
• Open YouTube ReVanced
• Log in to your Google account
If you experience a playback buffering issue on your side:
– Disable or ignore battery optimization for MicroG Services (GMSCore) to prevent it from being killed in the background.
– Add a different Google account within YouTube ReVanced (Settings >> Account), switch to it and check if a playback buffering issue still occurs.
– Enable “Spoof player parameter” from ReVanced Extended settings ➤ Miscellanous
A clean install of YouTube ReVanced and MicroG Services (GMSCore) is recommended.
What's new
- Base updated to YouTube v18.45.43
• For new features, look for in-product education & notifications sharing the feature and how to use it!
- Latest updated ReVanced Extended features, bug fixes and optimizations
![YouTube ReVanced APK [New Youtube Mod] 1](
Hi, this updated version 19.06.36 stil cannot play youtube video. Please fix this app
Go to settings> revanced extended> miscellaneous> spoof app version. Click the spoof app version
Still doesn’t work
Works for a min then video starts buffer
Only works for a few mins then the video buffers.
Still doesn’t work
I have tried this fix for some reason its not working on my end. I’m using a samsung 23 ultra. I have turned spoof off and on. Tried multiple versions and it still isn’t working.
it still doesn’t work to play
“The following content is not available on this app
watch this content on the latest version of YouTube
Go to settings> revanced extended> miscellaneous> spoof app version. Click the spoof app version
Did the spoof and still not available to watch.
That still doesn’t work
Not working
As a of match 29 it no longer works can we get a update please
Hi admin, is YouTube mod version has discontinued?
current version 19.12.36…
after March 28 it doesn’t work update pls
Do update please, so many bug on tablet.
Thanks for you work
Is it possible to dowload videos?
Kindly publish the new update
Hello I’m having a issue that after 1 min or so the video just buffer and won’t do anything
Happening to me also. I think they’re on to us.. Damn it was working for so long.
Do update please, so many bug on tablet.
Thanks for you work
I looking for v.18.25.39 becuse in v.18.25.40 there is no dark theme(in v2 origin icon/dark) but there is a black theme
why is there no dark theme (in v2 original icon dark theme) but there is a black theme?. So i looking for v.18.25.39 to download
Same problem, please react…
I am experiencing an issue with last updates. Any video starts playing for more or less 30 seconds and then doesn’t load anymore. I have to go back, tap again on the video and go forward where it stopped.
Somebody else who can relate to this?
I want to download the previous version.
What should I do?
If you are talking about v18.08.38, then here are the links: dark v1 dark v2 original icon v1 black v2 original icon
Can you pls add 3.5 , 4 , 4.5x playback speed option also as it was in earlier versions pls
Is it possible to upgrade to every newer app version without uninstalling the current version? Whenever I attempt to upgrade, I receive an error message indicating that the app conflicts with existing packages. I wish that YouTube Revanced could be upgraded in the same manner as Spotify.
Sure, we will be using the same signature for future updates.
Awesome! Now I am able to upgrade without uninstalling the previous version! Keep up the excellent work!
Could you please do the same with Youtube Music app?
You have the wrong version number posted btw
Sorry,it’s fixed and updated to a newer version
once the manager is out, we wont need to uninstall anything it should just update. ty for posting this.
It works. Thanks!