Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes v0.26.880405 Mod APK

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

Star War Galaxy of Heroes MOD APK latest version download for Android.

Collect your favorite Star Wars characters, like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and more, from every era – then conquer your opponents in epic, RPG-style combat. Build mighty teams and craft the best strategy to win battles across iconic locations to become the most legendary hologamer in the galaxy!

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes MOD apk features

Build powerful light and dark side teams with both Jedi and Sith heroes and other characters from the Star Wars universe. Make strategic choices and pick characters with complimentary abilities to construct squads and engage in RPG combat like never before!

Collect characters from the original trilogy and prequel films, plus animated TV shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels – and more. True to the RPG genre, each new hero has multiple powerful attacks and abilities!

Make tactical decisions and equip your characters, from Darth Vader and Boba Fett – to Lando Calrissian and Leia Organa, with powerful gear to enhance their damage. Unlock special leader abilities to buff your team and unleash moves like Darth Sidious’s Force Lightning, Chewbacca’s Wookiee Rage, and more.

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Complete epic missions on Hoth, Bespin, Tatooine, Coruscant, and beyond. Unlock special characters to play through in light and dark side campaigns

What’s New in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes MOD apk

A brand new game mode is here: Conquest! Do you have what it takes to conquer your way across the Galaxy? Choose your path across a galactic map, participate in combat missions, collect powerful Data Disks, and topple menacing Bosses! We’ve also introduced a new Conquest Store feature with an exclusive unit and consumables that can be used to boost your squad – or recover Stamina, a new mechanic introduced in this update. The first Conquest event starts soon!


Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes mod apk

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes MOD info:


Installation Instructions:
If you have my old mod installed skip to step 5

  1. Link your account to any social (simply backup your account)
  2. Uninstall your current version
  3. Download & Install the MOD
  4. Enable “DRAW OVER” or “DISPLAY POP-UP WINDOW” permission
  5. Enable “STORAGE” permission


Downloads: [Google Play]

Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes v0.26.880405 Mod APK

1,573 comments on "Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes v0.26.880405 Mod APK"

  1. Kensei Leon says:

    Update would be really nice!

  2. Matthew says:

    I would like to congratulate you for the great work.
    Today there is another update, do you have any prediction of when will have the mod’s for this new version?

  3. Enker says:

    Hi. With the new update, do i need another apk, or the latest one on the links are going to work?

  4. K-2SO says:

    Looks like a new version was released, V0.7.199186.

  5. Cronus says:

    Hey, game update just released.

  6. IsaacSteph says:

    Can you do you with God and npcs can’t heal only?

  7. Kensei Leon says:

    First – Great work with this Mod!

    But for a couple of hours the game doesn’t start. It freezes in the Main Loading Screen, this one where the message “looking for uodates” appears.

    Anyone else with this problem?

  8. Kensei Leon says:

    The Game doesnt start for a couple of hours… Do you recognize anything similar?

    It goes to the Main Loading-Screen and tell me “looking for updates” and freezes.

  9. Mirza says:

    Root version doesnt work ): patched to android then phone restarted. tried to put modded apk over clean one but they say app not installed ):

    • K-2SO says:

      What worked for me was to uninstall the playstore version, then install the modded apk. Of course, backup your game before you do this.

  10. FreakFujitsu says:

    The quality of life Updates are rolling Out
    Will this Change anything to the Mods?

  11. Jb says:

    Download and go to install and just says not installed… great. Am rooted and have lucky patch working. Be nice if the links worked…

  12. zeh says:

    hello new update

  13. Sahil says:


    I have downloaded the no root mod. It was installed perfectly but I am unable to start the game with my account.

    When I play as guset the games starts and the mod is working but again when I try signimg with my account it gives erroro message and its not starting

    Any help on how to fix so that I can use the mod with my account

  14. Glitchy says:

    Are you not banned for using this? They must have a way to see one is using a modded apk?

  15. Saitzev says:

    Any thoughts as top what would cause the install to fail. I was previously able to use the last update but every time I now get the message app not installed, even on a clean install of android.

    • Neo says:

      Somehow my thread has been buried but here is what I can share. I have been on the thread about this topic several days ago. The fix is that if you can’t install the unsigned/root version, then you would have to defer to the signed/unrooted version. However, in order for that to work you must have Lucky Patcher installed and ensure that the 3rd checkbox is ticked under Toolbox (2nd from left from the bottom menu).

      • Cpajamasam says:

        Just a question for you, is your name Wen? If the answer is yes, I was trying to find you.

          • Kthxxbye says:

            I followed your way and still have the error of installing the app. Should I uninstall the clean app as well As reverse what I did in lucky patcher and reinstall clean version and ONLY ticking the 3rd box in lucky patcher?

          • Neo says:

            Sorry for late response. You don’t have to uninstall everything but if nothing else work, do try. However, the trick is to ensure LP tools have all 3 checkboxes ticked for under Patching Android. I only need the 3rd one to work for me, but I have read elsewhere that you need all 3. So try all 3 (and the first 2 will make it reboot, and then selecting the 3rd one on its own will reboot once more).

      • Saitzev says:

        Yeah turns out it was the lucky other deal. I use NoxPlayer on pc for the mod version and for some strange reason the patch top android got turned off. Probably an update who knows. But once I patched it installed no problem

  16. kadsu2 says:

    Would be nice if we have 100% drop rate shard.

  17. WTF?! says:

    “Small” favor to some of you, fellow hacking gamers:

    GET A FU…ING HOLD OF YOURSELVES! Stop using hacked characters before you achieve certain level! Not a day goes by without me stumbling upon idiots on Arena parading with characters from Lord of Hunger event. Lvl.41 and you’re showing off with Sith Assassin?!

    Take the chill pill before you start a new ban wave FFS!

    Also, people: Please, don’t hack The Arena and Raids. Arena and Raids are like what, 10% of the entire game? You have entire 90% to fu… with.


    • iHackedit Staff says:


      • WTF?! says:

        What? Don’t tell me you disagree…

        • Neo says:

          Sorry for being a smart arse here. So if you are so lawful that you don’t use the cheat version, why on earth are you on this forum???? Hmmmmm….


          • WTF?! says:

            What in the holy mother of fu… are you even blathering about? You jumped to conclusion that I’m not using mods due to…what? The fact I wrote: “before you start a new ban wave”? Congrats “smart arse” , but I’d say that it was more than blatant indication that it’s quite the opposite. Sarcasm aside, I’ll elaborate: So far, the fact that modifiers are rampant doesn’t mean shit to EA, since it doesn’t affect their wallet, but I can image that changing, once the players proclaim the game to be “spoiled” by hackers – I’ve seen it happening to other games. And each and every next lvl50/Darth Nihilus/3-G mod/Arena rank #20 fu…ing mook, brings us all closer to that hypothetical day. Now, I know squat about programming and what are dev’s options when dealing with “local” modders, but I recon that drawing unnecessary attention can only do damage, don’t you agree? I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy these hacks, hence – not looking forward to seeing them obsolete, let alone getting my ass banned because of some halfwit who went postal on a OP’d speed team, with his Luke Skywalker – Snow-fu…ing-trooper “synergy” 🙂

            Oh, and since you brought it up, with that “lawful” allusion of yours: As you know, majority of gamers are f2p – “whales” are only a fraction of the community so, personally, I think there’s a huge difference between making a guick token, shard or mod, and depriving someone who spent months grinding and working his way up the ladder, of their crystals. That’s just MY opinion, and if anyone thinks that me stating it along with using this mod makes me a hypocrite, then I’d say that person has guilty conscience. Long story short – I don’t give two shits and a popsickle bout’ what you’re doing – just asking you to think, before you act.


        • Dave jones says:

          Seriously, the last ban wave during baze malbus tournaments was result of such @ssholes bringing just 30k power toons on top in shore trooper tournaments. U look at their roster n its shit, n then u realize oh it’s a mod apk. Grow up don’t get greedy. Arena, raid n GW r ban inviting. u can just farm ur team n then when u have atleast 3 40K teams. After then u can leave mods as they wont be needed anymore.

  18. Peter says:

    Works great thank you so much.can you make a mod with 20% lass damage v3 version to be safe?

  19. Metacheater says:

    Hey IhackedIt staff,
    Mod v4 is awesome, i used every mod you have available and enjoyed it! Now i have one question: Could you make mod v4 with half enemy damage instead of god mode?

    Thanks for all the work!

  20. John says:

    Great worked well! PLEASE make a version that makes crystal purchases free or point me to a hack that does. Thx

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