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CityVille v1.1.182 Mod APK for Android.

Turn a small town into a thriving metropolis and bring your city to life with Professionals in CityVille, an all-new free-to-play building simulation game for your mobile device.

The World’s Favorite CityVille
Build your city and watch it come alive! The world’s favorite CityVille now all new with 3D residences, businesses and civic buildings to create a thriving community with beautiful skylines, mountainside neighborhoods and beach front burbs.

Now With Professionals to Grow Your City
Professionals are always up for a challenge! The city will thrive with a variety of Professionals as your city grows. Collect and train Professionals like Police Officers to become Detectives, Baristas to become Painters so they can make your city a better place to live.

Your City Comes Alive with Professionals
Bring your city to life with festivals, block parties, sporting events and concerts complete with all-star athletes and celebrity DJs. Reward your Professionals for a job well done! Professionals help improve and grow your city.

Choose and Name Your Very Own Businesses
You become part of your city! You’ll get to choose, build and name your very own businesses like coffee shops, burger joints, books stores, fashion boutiques and more that will help you expand your city. You can even open up your businesses in other player’s cities to earn more rewards.

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Choose From Your Favorite Landmarks
Add some pizazz to your city with world famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Roman Coliseum, and Egyptian Sphinx. Placed strategically, they will also boost your city’s population!

CityVille mod apk

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  1. bhupi says:

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